I’m guessing you’re white. And male. And straight. And able-bodied. I make these educated guesses because the single biggest privilege that comes with privilege is the freedom to be clueless about your own privilege. I’m guessing that you look at your life and say, “I may be a straight, able-bodied white male, but I still have pain, because I don’t have a sparkling personality or six pack abs. But privilege doesn’t guarantee a existence without trouble or pain. Being privileged in some aspects and oppressed in others is like getting a soothing manicure on your left hand while someone drives a rusty nail through the right. It’s pretty hard to focus on your left hand in those situations, but the soothing manicure is still happening. If you’d feel sorry for yourself a little less and listen more to the experiences of people of color, women, LGBT people, and people from other oppressed groups, you might learn a bit more about the nature of privilege. I hope that you can.